Family Practice Medicine

PrimeCare360 Primary & Urgent Care is a family practice that offers high-quality medical care.

What exactly is family medicine?

Family medicine is a handy choice for family health care. Family medicine providers are primary care physicians who care for the entire family's needs. The same clinician sees patients of all ages, including children, teenagers, and the elderly.

Family medicine not only makes scheduling your medical requirements easier, but it also helps your doctor to build trustworthy connections with you and your family. Family-centered care makes it easier for your entire family to obtain critical medical services when they are most needed.

What kinds of services does a family practice offer?

Family medicine handles a wide range of issues. PrimeCare360 offers a variety of essential health services with no appointment required. This walk-in policy lets you and your family to meet your primary and urgent care requirements on your own schedule.

Among the services offered are:

  • Annual examinations
  • Management of chronic diseases
  • Physical examinations for athletes
  • Testing for allergies
  • Age-related ailments (such as osteoporosis and arthritis) 
  • Well Women exams 

Family medicine is an excellent resource for families seeking to improve their overall health. A family practice allows your child to grow up alongside their physician. Family medicine professionals are also vital in preventative medicine, assisting you and your loved ones in managing your risks for certain illnesses and ailments.

What exactly is health planning?

Planning is an important aspect of the health care process if you want to improve your health as much as possible. PrimeCare360 specializes on health plans that are tailored to each patient's specific needs, lifestyle, and goals. Health planning provides you and your doctor with a roadmap for dealing with medical issues and improving your general health.

What if I require the services of a specialist?

Halo 360, as a family practice, has treated a variety of acute and chronic diseases. For patients who require specialized treatment, the practice works to connect you with the correct health practitioner. Your doctor works with the specialist to provide the greatest possible outcome and rehabilitation.

Visit a PrimeCare360 location or book an appointment by phone or online now to learn more about the benefits of a family practice or to receive care.